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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Power Reading: The Best, Fastest, Easiest, 3rd Edition

Title: Power Reading: The Best Course on Speedreading and Comprehension Improvement Ever Developed!, 3rd Edition
Level: middle school, high school, college and graduate level students
Author(s): Rick Ostrov
Publisher: Education Press
Date: 2003
Pages: 240
Size: 26.97 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Good, well-scanned, readable
Language: American English

Power Reading is the complete speed reading course in book format which includes the most effective techniques ever developed for increasing reading speed and comprehension. It also includes the most effective, time saving methods for business and technical reading in work and professional materials, both printed and online. It also teaches the most effective study, note-taking, test-taking and memory retention methods for middle school, high school, college and graduate level students.

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