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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Reading Comprehension: Strategies for Independent Learners, 2nd Edition

Title: Reading Comprehension: Strategies for Independent Learners
Author(s): Camille Blachowicz and Donna Ogle
Publisher: The Guilford Press
Date: 2008, 2nd Edition
Pages: 321
Size: 11.85 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Now in a revised and updated second edition, this practical resource and widely used text presents a wealth of research-based approaches to comprehension instruction. The authors offer specific classroom practices that help K-9 students compare and evaluate print and online sources, develop vocabulary, build study and test-taking skills, and become motivated readers. [+/-]

The second edition reflects new research on informational literacy and academic and content-specific vocabulary development, and also discusses the impact of recent federal initiatives. Newly updated sample activities, classroom- and text-based examples, resource lists, and reproducible classroom tools enhance the utility of this indispensable work.

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